(484) 424-9415


Cryogenic Pumps

Made in the USA: Marathon Cryopumps are manufactured by Sumitomo
Corporation America, Inc. in Allentown, PA USA.

Contact us for assistance with your cryogenic vacuum system.

Whisper™ Quiet Technology: Provides quiet, low vibration, pneumatic
operation combined with world–class performance and reliability. Global
OEMs choose Marathon® for MRI helium re-liquefaction and the most
demanding coating, flat panel and R&D applications.

Hot Swap: In-situ displacer changes enable End Users to conduct helium
side maintenance in about 45 to 60 minutes without removing the pump
and without breaking vacuum.

World Class Performance: Industry leading Carrying Capacities extend
Regen times. Very flat pumping speed curves between Regens maintain
chamber performance and pressures.

Versatile Application: Marathon® Cryopumps are driven by OMNI® Helium
Compressors and by Marathon® Compressors. Pump models are available
from 8 inches to 20 inches, with standard and auto-regen capabilities.
Global Support: Service, maintenance, parts and support are available
through 7 locations globally.

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